
I’m a D.Sc. (Tech) and an associate professor at Department of Software Engineering in LUT University. My research interests involve human factors in software engineering, software communities and collaboration, and civic technology from a software engineering perspective. My current research area is how grassroots civic tech groups design, create, and share software. Another recent research area is how the design principles of sociotechnical software systems can promote community engagement and collaboration. My research methods include both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and I aim to provide prescriptive, actionable knowledge that will inform the future design of such systems or their software construction processes. In addition to research at LUT, I have worked with the PONG labs at the University of Milan and the LUSSI department at IMT Atlantique.

You can find more information about my current projects in this website, from my list of publications or in the following pages.

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Fun Coding Projects

Some cool projects I have been involved in:

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